Friday, September 11, 2009

A Dynamite First Week!

We're off to a great start in grade 2D! The boys are settling into their new routines and expectations. Even in these first few days of school, we've accomplished quite a lot! In math, we explored number combinations to 10. We brainstormed all the ways we could make or show 10. When we shared our ideas, we had a total of 33 different ways to show/make ten that included: adding, subtracting, multiplying, patterns, symbols, counting, tallies, groups...and more! We were amazed that there could be so many ways to show just one number! As we were brainstorming John said, "This is easy and it's hard." The rest of the boys agreed, and they were challenged to come up with "out of the box" ideas to show ten.
We began our first unit of inquiry today. We will spend the next 5 or so weeks exploring diversity within communities. Our central idea is, "Respecting the differences between people helps to build an open-minded community." Today, after reading a story (No Two Snow Flakes are Alike, by Sheree Fitch) and then comparing ourselves, we learned that diversity means differences, and that differences are good. When I asked the boys if they would like it if I snapped and they all became exactly the same, Sebastian remarked that he would run away. When asked why, he explained that it would not be fun to be the same, "being different makes us who we are." A pretty significant "A ha!" about diversity!
This morning we started learning our class chant. I think some of the boys might be singing it in their sleep tonight. It will take a while for them to remember it, but they seemed to have fun learning "our song".
We've also established our agreements for a dynamite year. The boys worked in collaborative groups to complete a large t-chart showing what the best class would be like, and what the worst class would be like. Each group presented their drawings and ideas to the rest of the class. We all agreed that we would not like to be in the worst class. So, we came up with the following agreements to help us try to be the best class:
1. Do the appropriate action at the appropriate time.
2. Listen to the speaker.
3. Raise your hand and wait.
4. Do your best work.
5. Solve problems in positive ways.
6. Learn.
7. Have fun and be balanced!

Thank you to all the moms, dads and grandparents for your efforts to make this such a positive start to grade 2! I hope to see many of you at our curriculum night, on Tuesday, September 15 at 7p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this BLOG! I LOVE IT!

    It helps us stay connnected with you and all the effort you put in teaching our young scholars their Grade 2 Curriculum.

    I look forward to next Tuesday!

    Devon Grewal
    Sahaj's mom
